Thursday 21 July 2016

Tsohuwa yar shekara 85 ta doki wata..

Tsohuwar matan da taki bayyana sunanta tayi kokarin kare kanta yayinda wata mata tazo ta tambayeta kudi a Altrincham, great Manchester, kasar ingila. Abin mamaki shine tsohuwar bata ji tsoro ba, ta kasance akan batunta cewa bazata bada kudinta ba. Abin ya faru ne jim da kadan bayan tsohuwar yar shekaru 86 ta ciro kudi daga na’uran ajiyan kudi kafin shiga kasuwa.
 Rahotanni sun tabbatr da cewa barauniyar kawai sai ta far mata a cikin kasuwan ,ta riga kwamdon ta,ta nemi ta bata kudi. Game da yan sandan great Manchester, tsohuwar ta kare kanta yayinda a far dukan barauniyar da kwalin abinci a kai. Barauniyar ba tayi zaton haka zai iya faruwa,sai ta gudu daga kasuwan. Yanzu yan sanda na neman ta ido rie.
 Hakazalika wata baturiya ta ma mutumi duka lilis bayan ya kaita cikin daji domin yi mata fyade,amma sai dai fa yaci bugu.
– Appeal court says the purported ban on hijabs in Lagos is a violation of fundamental rights of students – Students reportedly made this case on behalf of the students who felt offended The ban on the use of hijabs in Lagos state schools has been removed, Daily Trust has confirmed. According to reports, the court of appeal in Lagos state set aside the judgment of a Lagos state high court which had banned the use of hijab in the state’s public primary and secondary schools. The judgment stated that the ban on the hijab is a violation of the fundamental rights of the Muslim students, with Justice Modupe Onyeaboron (of the state high court) had in October 17, 2014, dismissed a suit filed by Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) in the state over the same issue.
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